Daily Archives: March 3, 2015

I am not a COW, so why am I always Grazing?

Do you find yourself taking samples of food while you are shopping at Sam’s Club or Costco?  Do you nibble on food as you are prepping dinner for the family or at a buffet style cocktail party?  What about opening the freezer and spooning ice cream from the container as you stare off into space?  Or do you eat chips, popcorn, or cookies right out of the bag and before you know it….the package is empty! Whoops!   What do all of these scenarios have in common?  We are usually STANDING UP &/or GRAZING while we engage in them and probably feeling a little anxious or bored, too, whether we are aware of it or not.   None the less, we are in a state of mindlessness or low awareness of what or how much food we are putting in our mouths in all of those scenarios, which can lead to […]