Healthy Snacks to Take on The Road


Summer is in full swing, and I bet that some of you have some road trips or vacations planned.  You could be heading to your favorite amusement or water park, to visit friends and family at the lake or river, or to just go camping for the weekend.


I had the priviledge of going to the Grand Canyon last summer.  That’s about a 8-9 hour road trip from San Diego, each way.  Now, I don’t know about you, but I don’t really like to get out of my normal healthy eating routine and exchange it for one filled with junk food and fast food.


Grand Canyon Scenery 2


I also don’t want to be a weirdo and alienate myself from my friends and pack too much food, that may go to waste.  It’s inevitable that while you are on the road, that you are going to eat some processed food.  However, we don’t have to go buck wild and just eat whatever we want.  You know what happens when we do that…..we don’t feel that great and then have low energy when we make it to our destination.


Healthy Snack Ideas For Your Next Road Trip


What you will notice is that I pack snacks that are high in protein and fat, and lower in carbohydrates and refined sugars.  These types of snacks will stabilize your blood sugar better and keep your hunger, energy, and cravings more stable throughout the day.


Healthy Snacks 2


1.  Quest Protein Bars – Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.  These bars are great because they are HIGH in fiber, low in sugar, and have around 20 Grams of protein in a serving.  They are very filling and satisfying.  However, for me, they cause really bad stomach bloat because they contain whey protein & sugar alcohols, which I don’t tolerate well.  Most people tolerate them just fine, though.  However, I’m willing to do the trade during travel or for an emergency snack because they don’t do much damage to my healthy eating.  I just look 3 months pregnant for a few days after ingesting them until that whey is out of my system.  That’s why I can’t eat them everyday, but give them a try and see how they work for you!

2.  Almonds. – I bought the “Just a Handful of Almonds” from Trader Joe’s.  Again these are in single serving bags so it is less likely that I will over indulge.

3.  Boom Chicka Pop Popcorn in Single Serving Bags. As you can see, I like Single Serving Bags because I’m less likely to overeat and just keep it to a serving.  I brought this in case I got the craving for something crunchy.

4.  Branched Chain Amino Acids. – helps with cravings & satisfaction.  When you are on the road and sitting a lot, you are more likely to think you are hungry when you are really just bored….Putting a scoop of this in your water can help with that.

5.  Digestive Enzymes (Not Pictured).  I always have these in my purse.  These help you to break down your food better to prevent bloating and that heaviness feeling you get after eating meals in restaurants where you don’t really know all the ingredients in the food or how it was prepared.

6.  Vega Protein Sports Performance Protein Powder.  It’s easy to throw a couple of scoops of protein powder and water together for a quick meal or snack.

Healthy Choices at the Gas Station or Grocery Store


Now, I know that some of you might not take the time to prepare and pack any healthy snacks, so here are some things you could pick up at the store that will keep you on track and feeling great!


Healthy Snacks 1


1.  Raw Mixed Veggies.

2.  Fruit.

3.  Meat & Cheese Pack.

4.  Packaged Salads.


There you have it, plenty of ideas to choose from for your next road trip!  Remember, we can still make healthy choices on the road.  It doesn’t have to be ALL or NOTHING just because you are on vacation.


What are some of your favorite healthy snacks to take on the road?  Share them in the comments below!


Thanks for stopping by,


P.S.  Want to consume less calories but still enjoy some of your favorite foods?  Get Instant Access to The Mindless Eating Solution, a 3 Step Formula that teaches you how to quit overeating and feel in control around food!