5 Ways To Create a Happy & Healthy Relationship

relationshipblogpicI’m not a relationship expert, nor do I claim to be.  And, if you were to ask Augie, my boyfriend, he’d probably tell you that I can be a real pain in the ass to deal with at times, so you probably don’t want take any advice in this department form me ;).

BUuuuut, seriously though, it’s hard not to get caught up in our own stuff that we are dealing with in our everyday lives like our kids, activities, errands, &/or work stress, that our relationships can take a back seat and get a little neglected sometimes.

A couple of years back, I made a collage of words/traits that I thought made up a healthy and happy relationship, and I made a mini vision board out of it.  I still have this up today because I still feel they’re important to keep in my thoughts as I go about my day.

I keep this little reminder taped up on the outside of the bathroom cabinet above the toilet.  Now you may think that it’s strange to keep something like this in the bathroom, but guess what, it’s a perfect place to keep it, because I don’t know about you, but I shower &/or go to the bathroom everyday, and it forces me to LOOK AT IT!  #nowayaroundit


P.S.  I’ve even gotten mad at Augie, and tried throwing it in the trash a few times, (I never claimed to be mature either people) only to come home later, and find it back up in its spot. #guessI’mstuckwithit

 5 Ways to Create a Happy & Healthy Relationship

  1. Be a Team.

  2. Be Friends.

  3. Be Available.

  4. Be Affectionate.

  5. When all else fails, BE FUNNY.

Which one of the above tips do you struggle with the most?  For me, it’s #3, Be Available!  Blogging, owning a fitness center, & starting an online fitness business to reach more people requires sooooooo much time in front of the computer and checking your social media.  It definitely keeps you from being 100% present with the people around you.  I have to really make a conscious effort to put my  phone down, put the computer away, and make eye contact with those around me.  It’s something I have to work on daily.

I think these tips could be valuable and improve any relationship that we currently have in our lives, whether it be a with our spouse/partner, children, or friends.  All we have to do is make an effort to implement them and work on the ones that we struggle with.

Don’t forget that life is all about the relationships and connections that we form with other people to make memories and have a good time with, so why not put a little work and effort into this.

Today, I’d like you to take a little time to think about how you could nourish your relationships with those that mean the most to you.  What could you do to show them that you care or are there for them?

I’d also love to hear any thoughts, tips, or insights you have on building healthy and happy relationships in the comments below!

Thanks for stopping by,


P.S.  Join my #FitandFab tribe!  We discuss fitness, nutrition, and mindset tips on a weekly basis.  We are ALL in this TOGETHER!  Join my Tribe and Receive your FREE Lean Eating Guide HERE!