Dear Moderation, How Did This Happen?


I stepped on the scale, and what did I see? 154 lbs in digital form staring back at me! But, how did this happen? 10 pounds in a year!  I was incorporating more moderation into my diet, which is suppose to be better than being too strict.  And, I kept up with my workouts, and was even more MINDFUL of my MOVEMENT with the purchase of my Fitbit!  But the reality is, that last year at this time, I weighed around 145-148 lbs.  Even though my ego would like to think, it’s muscle weight…it’s most likely NOT!


Sometimes the TRUTH just smacks you in the face when you step on the scale.  I’d ignored the snugness of my jeans and some of my other clothes over the year.  But, in that moment of truth, my trainer brain turned on, and said, “T-Moo, this has nothing to do with your exercise…You let “Moderation” in your diet and habits get sloppy and you know it!”


Then my thoughts turned to all the swirling wine glasses after a hard/long day, chips & salsa more than 1x/week, and all the other little treats that I was eating around the house because I was “buying them for Augie” and keeping them around. #easyaccess  #isntalwaysthebestaccess


What Exactly is Moderation?


Moderation is defined as the avoidance of excess and extremes in one’s behavior.  I’m not for crazy diets that call for extreme measures/deprivation because it does lead to binging, and I have learned to live a little more in the gray area.  But, I’m just going to take a bold stance here and say, “Moderation can get sloppy.”  It’s better than extremes, but it’s a pretty fine line to walk & understand, and here’s why…


With so many people out there saying:

  • “It’s okay to have a small treat every day.”
  • “Drink ALL the wine.”
  • “Have a little bit of chocolate every day to avoid binging.”
  • “By keeping some of the foods that we consider forbidden in the house, we’ll become desynthsized to them, and eventually not want to eat them.”  BTW…I tried this with Chips & Salsa (Didn’t work for me)


How Does Moderation Really Work?


This is something that you’ll have to learn for yourself.  Everybody’s version of moderation is different.  It also depends on your goals.  If fat-loss is your goal, you’re going to have to restrict some treats and be more mindful of your choices.


Even in maintenance, which is what I would consider myself in, it’s easy to let some bad habits start sneaking their way in, and before you know it, that scale starts creeping up.   It takes practice, self-monitoring, and being able to tell the truth about what’s working and not working.


Where’s Your Focus?


Now, on the flip side, it’s possible that the weight I’ve climbed to is more manageable for me at this time in my life.  Maybe a year ago, I was in a different place in my life with different responsibilities that allowed me to focus more on my eating habits and exercise goals.


There is ebb and flow in our lives with our goals.  It’s hard to focus on body, relationships, &/or financial goals, all at the same time, and do all of them really well.  I’m a little more focused on some career goals right now that takes a little bit more of my focus.  This is natural, and I’m okay with that….But, I also don’t want to let this get any further out of hand and wake up 5 years from now 30 lbs heavier.


My “moderation” balance is off and it’s time to get back on track!


Now What To Do?


I’d prefer to be closer to what I consider my “fighting weight” of 145 – 148 lbs because that’s where I feel the best.  And all that matters is what I think and feel good about.


As my favorite College Basketball announcer, Dickie V. says, “You can spend time thinking, Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda, all night about what’s happened, or you can LOCK IT UP & WIN THE GAME!”


That’s right, it’s time for me to “lock it up” and “tighten it up” a bit with the treats and the wine!  Do I really need a treat every day “just because I can”?  Probably not.  Do I really need to have a glass a wine more than 1-2x/week?  Again, probably not.  I feel better mentally & physically and sleep way better when I don’t have the wine….


Our bodies give us clues all the time about what’s working and not working, and when we’ve let “moderation get a little sloppy.”


How Am I Getting My Moderation Back On Track?


I’m going to take the advice of Gretchen Rubin, a habit change expert, whose also written 2 books on how to create and change habits for a happier life, “Better than Before” and  “The Happiness Project“.


1. Self-Monitoring through Self-Awareness


We manage what we monitor. – Gretchen Rubin


I’ve already written about the importance of self-awareness when it comes to our fat-loss success here.  But, I will start jotting down when I have a treat or a glass of wine.  I’ll be more mindful of my weekly plans by using a calendar.  Every week, I’ll mark social outings where I know I’ll indulge more.  That way on other days of the week, I can pass on the treats because I’m more aware of what’s going on.  It’s really that simple.


Understandably, spontaneous things pop up, but I’ll trust myself to handle that and make the best decision in that moment.



2. Cleaning Up My Environment


It’s easier to change our surroundings than ourselves. – Gretchen Rubin


I’m a firm believer of keeping my environment clear of treats and unhealthy foods.  I know it works.  Don’t bring junk into the house, you won’t eat junk.  I’m not a binger per say, but here’s my downfall.  If I buy a bag of chips & salsa or chocolate bar, and they’re in the house, I’ll eat a little bit of it every day.  I won’t devour the whole bag or chocolate bar in one setting, but I have to really ask myself, “Is it really that great for my health and my physique to do this over a week’s time?”  The honest answer, “Nope!  It’s not really serving me or my goals right meow.”


I’d rather have treats outside the home and have to go out and get them.  I like this because it’s easier to control serving sizes and portions.  It makes it much easier to have a few bites without overdoing it.


What’s your thoughts on moderation?  What have you found works or doesn’t work?  Let me know in the comments below!


Thanks for stopping by,


P.S.  Are you tired of not knowing what to eat?  Grab a copy of my FREE Lean Eating Guide HERE!