Daily Archives: March 30, 2016

3 Ways to Make a New Habit Stick

  Do you FEEL frustrated because you’re not making any progress towards the goals, whether they be in health, career, &/or relationships, that are important to you?  It’s like you take 3 steps forward to only feel like you’re going 4 steps back.  Not too mention, how hard it is to get back on track with your goals or healthy habits after a vacation, illness, &/or holiday!   You may be asking yourself, “When is this going to get easier, and when am I going to see some results from my actions?  I’m tired of starting over again and again.”  Or, “Shouldn’t this be a habit by now and more automatic for me?”   Habits take longer to form then the original myth.  It’s a myth that habits take 21 days to form or break.  In actuality, it takes more like 66 days or longer to form a new habit […]