Are You Doing The Best Form of Exercise There Is?


With so many forms of exercise to choose from, like P90X, Zumba, running, swimming, sports, aerobics, weight training, metabolic conditioning, Yoga, Pilates, bike riding, HIIT, it could make your head spin, and keep us stuck from doing any of it!  Am I right?


There’s probably some of you that aren’t doing any exercise right now because your searching for the “perfect” most effective exercise to do to reach your goals because you don’t really like to exercise…


Don’t worry, I’m going to blow your mind with this one then….The SINGLE BEST FORM of EXERCISE on the planet that you could be doing right now is…..DRUM ROLL PLEASE……WALKING!  (mic drops…crickets chirping…)  I know you were expecting something different, hard, or torturing that will make your muscles burn and your fat melt off!


You’re thinking, “But, Tommie, I already run, lift weights, &/or go to the gym.”  Great! Me, too!  I’m not giving up weight training & metabolic conditioning, either.  Keep doing what you’re doing at the gym, but you need to WALK MORE, too!  We sit around WAY TOO MUCH at home & our jobs, and some of us aren’t doing anything at all, and I feel walking is the BEST place to start!




WALK IT OUT: A FREE 7 Day Walking Challenge!  CLICK HERE to sign Up!


You could be thinking, “Walking is boring, it takes too long, &/or I don’t have the time.”  That’s totally fine, too!  But, maybe I could change your mind about this…


My Top 3 Reasons For Why Walking Is the Best Form of Exercise


Our bodies were kinesthetically designed to walk.  Notice when we were babies, we didn’t learn to run, jump, or swim first, we learned to walk!  It’s been our main mode of transportation, since the beginning of time.  Our ancestors walked on average 5-10+ miles daily, we’re sitting ourselves to death these days.


You can literally DO IT anywhere!  The gym, in an airplane, the grocery store, the mall while shopping, on a boat, at work, outside, &/or in your house…I even find myself walking in circles or pacing sometimes, when I’m nervous.  We can pretty much walk around endlessly, without risk of harm or overuse injury to our body.


Walking provides numerous health benefits!  Such as, stress reduction, increased energy levels, reduced insulin resistance, better quality of sleep, forces us to go outside and be in nature, and we get to burn more calories throughout our day, without working ourselves to death with vigorous exercise.


FB POSt walk challenge


PLUS, you don’t need a fancy gym membership or equipment for walking, either.  However, a decent pair of tennis shoes is recommended! 


Just because we have cars, boats, and planes now, doesn’t mean it’s not in our best interest physically, mentally, and emotionally to still fit walking in everyday of our lives….


STOP sitting yourself to death and join me for —–> WALK IT OUT: A FREE 7 Day Walking Challenge.


Until then, get off the couch or up form your office chair, and WALK IT OUT!


Thanks for stopping by,
