Daily Archives: July 4, 2016

5 Ways To Consume Less Calories and Stay Lean This Summer

  Summertime is my favorite time of the year, but with it brings a lot of schedule changes, 3 Day Weekends, pool parties, BBQs, camping, vacations, as well as, loads of opportunities to fall off track with exercise and eating healthy.   All too often I find people, saying, “Oh well, I’ll get back on track once the holiday weekend is over, my vacation is over, or when the kids are back in school.”  But I’ve found that to make a healthy lifestyle sustainable, we have to start looking for what we CAN DO to stay on track, even when LIFE comes up, and still have a little FUN in the process!   Now, there is all kinds of healthy food/drink substitutions that you could make at your next party or BBQ, and I’m not going to get into all of that because there is plenty of info on that […]