Daily Archives: February 3, 2017

When I Lose Weight, Then…

  When I lose weight, then…. I’ll feel more confident. I’ll be happy. My doctor will get off my back about my BP, cholesterol, and diabetes. I’ll be more accepting of my body and the way it looks. I won’t cringIe every time I look in the mirror at my body. I’ll buy the clothes that I’ve always wanted to wear. I’ll be accepted by my friends, family, or co-workers. I’ll be more desirable. People will want to date me. I’ll want to exercise more. I’ll have more energy to play with my kids. I’ll go on that beach vacation and wear a bathing suit. ALL of my problems will just go away….   Ever said or thought one of the above thoughts?  I’ll be the first to raise my hand ? and say, “Sure have…I’ve even had different combinations of these thoughts, at the same time, depending on what’s going on […]