Daily Archives: February 24, 2015

“How’s that Workin for Ya?”

Did you think that Dr. Phil had stopped by for a guest appearance on my blog?  Nah, I’m not that famous….YET 😉  But, his infamous question, “How’s that Workin for Ya?”, is a relevant question to ask ourselves as it pertains to our current diet and exercise plans to see if they are really working for us or against us!  So, let’s dive in a little further! Can you imagine yourself eating and exercising the way you are right now, a year or two from now?  If you answered, “NO WAY JOSE,” to that question, than I would bet that you are eating foods that you don’t enjoy and/or depriving yourself from the foods that you do. If you aren’t enjoying exercise or being consistent with it, you might be participating in exercise that is boring to you, spending TOO much time working out per day, or the exercise is […]