Daily Archives: October 10, 2015

How to Stop Feeling Disappointed

Do you find yourself feeling DISAPPOINTED A LOT?  We’ve all experienced feeling disappointed at one time or another by ourselves, other people, certain outcomes of events, and even things.  I’ve felt disappointed with my computer & technology ALOT over the last few months 😉   However, what if I told you that feeling disappointed has nothing to do with anybody or anything else, but YOU….   I know it would be a lot easier to blame others, outcomes, circumstances, or things for the way I FEEL, but disappointment doesn’t actually stem from external sources, but from ourselves.   How do you figure this, you may be thinking?  Well, disappointment isn’t a thing, it’s a FEELING.  When I think about all the times I’ve felt disappointed in the past, I can usually trace it back to none other than an emotion I’m feeling from some EXPECTATION that I have about someone […]