How Our Fitness Goals Are a Lot Like Money!

I had never thought of my exercise goals being like going to work and making money until a few days ago.

Last week I wrote the blog, “Are you Struggling to Find the Motivation to Workout?

I posted it on FB, as well, as you can see here:



A lot of my friends really found value in the post.  My bestie since childhood, Korey, wrote in the comments, “That was insightful, I liked it…maybe excepting that I am never going to feel like working out, but I do it anyway. That’s almost comforting.”

This comment really got me to thinking more about this subject and then I had an A-HA moment.  My health and fitness goals and exercising are a lot like going to work and receiving money for the work I do.

Think of it metaphorically like this:

Money = The outcome goals that we have for eating healthy and working out.  (Ex.)  Fat Loss, fitting into a pair of skinny jeans, feeling better, moving better, and having more energy, etc.  These outcomes are basically what we are going to receive by exercising and eating healthy on a consistent basis.

Job or Work = Consistently exercising and choosing healthy eating options.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I don’t always “FEEL” like going to work, do you?  I’d say probably not.  I even really love my work, but I still don’t “FEEL” like going EVERYDAY.  However, what I do WANT is MONEY.


“It’s All about the Benjamins…Baby!” But, we gotta put in the WORK First!  Same goes with Exercise and Reaching Your Goals!  I haven’t heard of anyone winning the Exercise Lottery and just getting the Body they want by Doing Nothing…You will be the FIRST to know if I ever hear of it! 😉

I want MONEY because it lets me provide my daily necessities, to buy things that I want, and it helps me to engage in experiences (like traveling, meeting friends for dinner or drinks, &/or doing recreational activities like camping and canoeing).

So we go to work, even when we don’t “Feel” like it because we want the MONEY.

Now, let’s apply this to working out and our goals.

If I want to LOOK, FEEL, and MOVE better, then I will have to CONSISTENTLY exercise and eat healthy.  So consider, that exercise and eating healthy is like going to work.  We are NOT going to want to do it everyday or even “FEEL” like doing it.  But, if we really want to achieve our goals, then we will just have to DO IT, won’t we?

Suck it Up ButterCup & Get to Work - blog2

You might still be thinking, “Yeah…Well, I don’t go to work or my job every day!”

EXAAAACTLY!  Remember, even with eating healthy and exercise, we need periods of rest, days off, cheat meals, etc.  We need days off, personal days, & vacation time, etc.  This rejuvenates us and makes us feel satisfied, so that we can continue to work with optimal productivity and energy.  It’s not what we do once and a while that makes up our total progress, but what we do CONSISTENTLY!

[bctt tweet=”If you really WANT something, you will have to take CONSISTENT ACTION, even when you don’t FEEL like it!”]

In conclusion, it’s really all about what you are willing TO DO or GIVE UP to GET what YOU WANT!?

Thanks for stopping by,


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