Daily Archives: August 24, 2015

Should I Get a Fitbit Activity Tracker?

I wrote a blog about what I think is one of the first skills to acquire along your health and fitness journey, or any goal for that matter.  If you have the time, you can read it HERE. I feel very strongly that awareness (w/out judgement) is the best skill to have.  Without it, we aren’t really aware of the choices, behaviors, or habits we are choosing or not choosing to engage in. The BEST way to increase our Awareness (w/out judgement) is through Self-Monitoring. Because as we say in the fitness field, “What gets Measured….Gets Managed!” I can tell you from my own personal experience that self-monitoring was one of the ways I reached my fat loss goals a couple of years ago.  I was tracking my habits I was working on, doing weekly weigh-ins & circumference measurements, progress pics every 6 weeks, and measuring my body fat percentage every 8-10 weeks […]