How to Stay Healthy on Vacation & Avoid Peer Pressure

wine glassesIf you’ve ever been on vacation with a group of people, you may know what I mean by vacation peer pressure, especially if you’ve been working to achieve certain health and fitness goals during this time and don’t want to get off track.

And if you don’t know what I mean, it usually sounds something like this, “Oh…go ahead and eat that.  It’s no big deal, you’re on vacation.”

“Come on….You don’t need to workout today because you workout everyday at home.  It’s okay to take a few days off.”

“One little bite isn’t going to hurt you…..”

It’s true, probably one little bite won’t hurt us, but for some of us, one little bite turns into a lot of bites, and then a full on binge, so why even get started…..if you DON’T WANT to.

Now I truly believe that the person saying these things isn’t meaning to really grow devil horns and persuade & pressure you to go off track, BUT…….

It’s just that most people, unless they are living a consistent healthy lifestyle, are so used to everyone being on the ALL or NOTHING approach when it comes to eating healthy and exercising.

Usually before vacation, people go into super restrictive diet/detox mode and over exercise because they want to look good for their vacation, and by the time they get on vacation they are sooooo exhausted by this cycle that they go the total opposite direction, and just stop exercising and eat whatever they want.  This usually leads to feelings of low self-worth, regret and guilt, and so the binging – restrictive cycle keeps going on and on.

Don’t Be A Victim of FOMO or YOLO on Your Next Vacation or Holiday

Honestly, you may even think some of the above comments to yourself.  I know I have, and that little FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) or YOLO (You Only Live Once) voice in your head may try to talk you into taking the plunge straight into a plate of unhealthy food that you know good and well you’re not going to feel good about after you eat it.

How to Combat FOMO &/or YOLO

A little tool that I like to use when those two little mindset traps start creeping in, and I’m feeling the pressure from myself or others is the IIRWTEC (Is It Really Worth The Extra Calories) question.  If the answer is YES, than I have 5-8 bites of whatever it is that I’m indulging in.  If I take a bite, and it’s not really that great, I pass and wait for something better to come along to spend my calories on….Because I KNOW & BELIEVE something BETTER will come along!

3 Common Scenarios & How to Stay Healthy & on Track With Your Goals

I find it easiest to get up before everyone else and fit something short and quick in 30 minutes or less.  Do what you can with the equipment that is around.  Walking or running stairs is a great option, too.

Eating When You’re NOT Hungry
Sometimes everyone else is hungry but you’re not.  You could either get something and save it for later, or just say, “I’ll get something later, but you go ahead.”  You could also always get a glass of water or tea and keep them company while they eat, or go exploring the area and catch up with them later.

Declining Food Advances
We have to get comfortable with saying, “No Thank You.”  I know it can be hard when someone is really pressing the issue. But, we all have the right to only put in our bodies what we want to.  It’s okay to say no..really it is.  If you’re not comfortable with saying no, you might try, “I’ll have some later, I’m just not hungry right now.”

The more you eat healthy and exercise in a more moderate & consistent approach at home, the more it becomes a part of your lifestyle, and then you are never really on vacation from it.

Now you can go ahead and do whatever you want because it is your vacation, and it is your human right to enjoy it and do what you want.  But, don’t let other people you are on vacation with influence how you eat and exercise.

What strategies do you use to stop vacation peer pressure in it’s tracks?  I’d love to hear about them in the comments below.

Thanks for stopping by,


P.S.  Would you like to little extra help getting started with healthy eating?  Download my Free Lean Eating Guide HERE.  You will find out what to remove from your cabinets, the 2 main components that need to be present at every meal, and a couple of easy workouts to get started on.