These FITmas Gift Ideas Are Timeless


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Whether you’re looking for something to buy for yourself for the holidays or for someone else, why not buy something that can be used all year long and improve our health?


I decided to put together a few of my favorite things that I love and use throughout the year that keep me Moving, Motivated, and Mindful!


Fitbit:  I love my Fitbit Heart Rate Charge because it helps me to be more mindful of my movement and it tracks my sleep patterns, both are very important when it comes to fat-loss & weight maintenance.  There’s many different versions to fit your budget.  Click the pic to see their current specials.


Fitbit Flex Activity + Sleep Wristband



Foam Roller:  “Go Roll Yo Self!” Every home should have one!  Give yourself the gift of a deep tissue massage after a long, hard day or workout.  You can buy one HERE!


foamroll (1)



Do you EVEN Spiralize?  Get a Veggie Spiralizer & “Inspiralized” Cookbook:  Here’s what the kids of one of our client’s at the gym had to say about trying Spiralized Veggies, “It’s the same veggies, but they taste better as a noodle.” – Dominic & Julia Stricker 😉  But, I’ll also add that ZOODLES (zucchini turned pasta) has become a favorite in my house.  Spiralizing veggies is a great way to increase the amount of veggies you get in your diet, makes your salads prettier, and will reduce your dependance on starchy carbohydrates like pasta or rice.  Click the pics below to learn more and see more reviews!





TRX Training System: A great piece of equipment to use at home or when you travel.  It’s awesome because it uses your body like a machine and you vary the resistance by where your body is in relation to the anchor point.  It challenges your stability and really gets the core involved with every exercise.  It’s like a gym you can pack in a bag and take anywhere.  Purchase it here from Perform Better.




Nike Free Shoes:  I get asked a lot at the gym, “How many pairs of shoes do you have anyways?” I can never have too many different colors of shoes.  I love these for weight training and walking.  I don’t use them for running, but who am I kidding…I don’t really run anymore.  They sure look snazzy with my work-out clothes though.  I think of them as a fashion accessory MUST!





BOOKS…BOOKS…BOOKS!  You can learn so much from reading about what others have overcome in life.  I read a lot of psychology, self-help, and personal development books because I believe if we conquer our minds and our fears, we can do lots of GREAT things.  Here are just a few of my favorite books that have impacted me on my journey to becoming my BEST self!



Let me know what your favorite book is in the comments below.  I really want to start reading a little more fiction next year, so if you have any recommendations in that department, I’d love for you to share them!


Merry FITmas and a Happy New Rear,