Healthy Snacks

How to Make a Healthy Smoothie or Shake


Recently, I received a question from one of our #FitandFab Tribe Members about shakes and smoothies.  I thought there might be other’s who are wondering the same thing, too, and I wanted to share my thoughts with you on this subject.



Regarding Smoothies/Shakes:  How do we know what info to believe?  Do we put milk or yogurt in there, protein powder, fruit or veggies, etc? What’s a good recipe to follow?


I think the most important factor to weigh in on when making a smoothie or shake is the SUGAR content!  Watch the video below to see how I make my own shakes and give you a little education about the content.  For those of you who don’t like to watch video, see my summary below!


*Even if you don’t watch the video, you may want to skip to minute 2:49 to see a rare UNICORN SPOTTING in T-Moo’s Kitchen!*



My Go-To Super Shake Recipe from the Video:


  • 10 Oz Water
  • 1-2 Scoops of Vega Sports Performance Protein Powder
  • 1 TBSP Chia Seeds
  • 2 Heaping Gobs of Spinach
  • 1/4-1/2 Cup Blueberries
  • 1 tsp Maca Powder
  • 1 tsp Bee Pollen
  • Sprinkle a little bit of  Cinnamon Powder on the Top & Blend

*1 TBSP Peanut or Almond Butter – I will put in my shake, or I will leave it out and enjoy it on some celery!


Super Quick Summary of the Video: 

If you use protein powder in your shake/smoothie, you don’t really need milk or yogurt, too!  Try to use only 1 fruit serving per shake. Veggies are Unlimited! Only 1 TBSP Nut Butters.  Milk or Water for blending medium.  I use Water.  Watch SUGAR Content!

A Longer Explanation & Summary:


Regarding Milk as a Blending Medium:

Only use if you’re not lactose intolerant.  Remember, most cow’s milk these days are loaded with hormones & chemicals.  I’d recommend using RAW, Unpasteurized Milk or Organic Milk.

*Other Milk Options:  Unsweetened, Organic Almond Milk or Coconut Milk – Sugar Content should be 5g or less.  Look for Carageean Free, too! I don’t recommend SOY MILK, EVER!


Regarding Yogurt:  

Use this in place of Protein Powder if you want & again are not lactose intolerant.  Use PLAIN GREEK YOGURT (highest protein content).  Do not get any yogurts that are sweetened.  It’s WAY TOO MUCH SUGAR!



Pick only 1 fruit to incorporate into your smoothie or shake.  You can choose as many veggies as you want, but only 1 fruit.  Also, watch portion sizes of fruit.  1/4 – 1/2 cup of berries is a serving.  Try using only 1/2 banana or mango instead of a full one.

You’d be surprised how using too many fruits can really increase the sugar content of your shake, causing a spike in blood sugar & insulin, and making it harder for your body to burn fat! #aintnobodygottimeforthat



Fill that blender up with as much as you want!  Don’t hold back!  Spinach, Kale, Celery, Beets, Carrots, Canned Pumpkin Puree, and other greens work great.  I prefer to use Spinach—–> watch video for a tip on Spinach for blending.


Fat Content:  

Even healthy fats can hinder weight/fat loss if we incorporate TOO MUCH.  Watch serving sizes of peanut/almond/nut butters & avocados.  I’d use no more than a 1/4 or 1/2 of an avocado, depending on the size of it & 1 TBSP of Nut Butters TOPS.

*Measure it out, you’d be surprised how easy it is to over do it on the nut butters… me….this advice is coming from someone who use to go through a whole jar of almond or peanut butter in 5-7 days.  Yeah….a jar of peanut butter should last 1 person about 2 weeks or longer.


Super Hero Add-Ons to throw in:

  • Chia Seeds
  • Maca Powder
  • Cacao Powder
  • Bee Pollen
  • Flax Seeds

*There are many more.  Follow serving sizes recommended on the packages.  I haven’t started to fly yet by adding these substances….but oh well, I’m patient! <——#not


What’s your favorite smoothie/shake recipe?  I’d love for you to share it with me in the comments below.


Thanks for stopping by,


P.S.  Don’t miss out on my weekly coaching emails.  I coach on all subjects related to fitness, mindset, and nutrition.  I also answer questions like the one found in this blog.  Join the #FitandFab Tribe & receive your FREE bonus gift HERE!

Healthy Snacks to Take on The Road

  Summer is in full swing, and I bet that some of you have some road trips or vacations planned.  You could be heading to your favorite amusement or water park, to visit friends and family at the lake or river, or to just go camping for the weekend.   I had the priviledge of going to the Grand Canyon last summer.  That’s about a 8-9 hour road trip from San Diego, each way.  Now, I don’t know about you, but I don’t really like to get out of my normal healthy eating routine and exchange it for one filled with junk food and fast food.     I also don’t want to be a weirdo and alienate myself from my friends and pack too much food, that may go to waste.  It’s inevitable that while you are on the road, that you are going to eat some processed food. […]