
Train like a Beast…Look like a Unicorn Workout Challenge!

As some of you may already know that I am obsessed with Unicorns and will find any opportunity to have some fun and incorporate the idea of them into anything that I do, even my workouts!  Whatever it takes to get you through the day, right?!

I know that it is challenging to find the time to get a workout in.  There have been days when I only had about 15 minutes to do something.  In most cases, I really believe that something is better than nothing, and that goes for even when you are feeling a little low in energy and not even feeling like working out!  A workout at 50% effort done consistently over time will produce more results than giving 80-100% effort once and in awhile.

The following low-impact workout circuit targets all the major movement patterns with a few isolation exercises for the arms to get those “guns” in tip-top shape ;)!  It will only take about 30 minutes to complete.  I believe in training all the major movement patterns dynamically because this mimics how we move in everyday life.  The major movement patterns are pushing (horizontally and vertically), pulling (horizontally and vertically), hip dominant (hip hinge), knee dominant (knee bending), and movements to strengthen the Core!  Most people start moving, feeling, and looking better when all of these movement patterns, along with mobility work, are taken into consideration when designing a workout program.

I named this workout for purposes of having a little FUN, The 1 Min Unicorn Workout Challenge.  This workout is what I refer to as Metabolic Resistance Training or Circuit Training.  This type of training is great for getting your “cardio” and “weight training” in at the same time.  It is great for weight loss and burning fat so that you can turn that fat into unicorn fuel for later!

Here’s the Details:

Equipment Needed:  Light set of Dumbbells (5-8lbs) and a Positive Attitude.

Important Cues:  In any of the Bent-Over Exercises, the most important thing to remember is to keep the head in line with the spine, chest up, back straight!  Never round the spine!

Disclaimers/Helpful Hints:  Check with a doctor before starting any exercise routine, anyone with shoulder or knee issues, leave out the Squat to Presses.  Pushups can be done against a wall and planks from the knees for beginners.  Beginners can start with 30 sec time intervals and Intermediates with 45 sec intervals instead of 1 min intervals.

Side Effects:  You may be left with burning muscles, sweat pouring off your body, heart pounding, and feeling MAGICAL, all at the same time!

There are 7 exercises that are performed in a row for 1 minute each.  The exercises are hip bridges, pushups, bent over rows, squat to presses, bicep curls, bent over tricep extensions, and plank.  The goal is to do as many reps as possible (AMRAP) in that one minute segment.  Try to do all 7 exercises in a row without taking a break between exercises.  You may have to pause for a moment to reset your form when you start to get fatigued.  After you finish 1 full round of exercises, take a 1 minute break to catch your breath.  Complete 3 rounds total.  Please spend a little time warming up before you jump right into the exercises.  I will write more about the importance of a dynamic warm-up later in another blog.

Here is a video to watch and follow along to:

So the next time you are in a time crunch or just don’t know what to do, give this workout a try!  Feel free to let me know how you did in the comments below or ask any questions you may have!

Thanks for stopping by,
