Why Meal Plans and Diets Don’t Work

  I get asked all the time to write diets or meal plans for people who want to lose weight or start a healthy eating program, and all the time I say, “No, because meal plans & diets don’t work!”  I’ll definitely give people guidelines or lists of healthier choices, but meal plans and diets aren’t going to cut it for the long term.   Now some of you may be thinking, but if I know exactly WHAT and HOW much to eat, then I’ll be able to lose weight.  Well, maybe, but what if you hate every single food on the meal plan/diet I give you? Now what?  What are the chances that you’re going to stick with it….really?   I’d say highly not likely, at least I wouldn’t.  I’m not going to eat a bunch of foods I don’t like, so why would I assume that you would.  I […]

5 Ways To Consume Less Calories and Stay Lean This Summer

  Summertime is my favorite time of the year, but with it brings a lot of schedule changes, 3 Day Weekends, pool parties, BBQs, camping, vacations, as well as, loads of opportunities to fall off track with exercise and eating healthy.   All too often I find people, saying, “Oh well, I’ll get back on track once the holiday weekend is over, my vacation is over, or when the kids are back in school.”  But I’ve found that to make a healthy lifestyle sustainable, we have to start looking for what we CAN DO to stay on track, even when LIFE comes up, and still have a little FUN in the process!   Now, there is all kinds of healthy food/drink substitutions that you could make at your next party or BBQ, and I’m not going to get into all of that because there is plenty of info on that […]

A Workout Just Isn’t Enough

  I know a lot of you workout, and that’s AWESOME!  Keep it UP!  But, is it enough to stay healthy and maintain our weight loss efforts?  Because we are literally sitting ourselves to death, due to the comforts & conveniences of our current society.     Time to Grab a Friend, GO OUTSIDE, Take A WALK, and ENJOY SOME NATURE!  Join me for a FREE 7 Day Walking Challenge.  For Details, CLICK HERE!   We have become sooo lazy here in the US.  Other countries are way more active in general than we are, but we sit down any chance we get.  What’s up with that?  I find myself hunched over in a seated position way more than I would like to admit, too!  But, I can do something about that and so can YOU!   I know that some of us have jobs that require us to sit in front […]

Are You Doing The Best Form of Exercise There Is?

  With so many forms of exercise to choose from, like P90X, Zumba, running, swimming, sports, aerobics, weight training, metabolic conditioning, Yoga, Pilates, bike riding, HIIT, it could make your head spin, and keep us stuck from doing any of it!  Am I right?   There’s probably some of you that aren’t doing any exercise right now because your searching for the “perfect” most effective exercise to do to reach your goals because you don’t really like to exercise…   Don’t worry, I’m going to blow your mind with this one then….The SINGLE BEST FORM of EXERCISE on the planet that you could be doing right now is…..DRUM ROLL PLEASE……WALKING!  (mic drops…crickets chirping…)  I know you were expecting something different, hard, or torturing that will make your muscles burn and your fat melt off!   You’re thinking, “But, Tommie, I already run, lift weights, &/or go to the gym.”  Great! Me, too! […]

3 Ways to Make a New Habit Stick

  Do you FEEL frustrated because you’re not making any progress towards the goals, whether they be in health, career, &/or relationships, that are important to you?  It’s like you take 3 steps forward to only feel like you’re going 4 steps back.  Not too mention, how hard it is to get back on track with your goals or healthy habits after a vacation, illness, &/or holiday!   You may be asking yourself, “When is this going to get easier, and when am I going to see some results from my actions?  I’m tired of starting over again and again.”  Or, “Shouldn’t this be a habit by now and more automatic for me?”   Habits take longer to form then the original myth.  It’s a myth that habits take 21 days to form or break.  In actuality, it takes more like 66 days or longer to form a new habit […]