Daily Archives: March 22, 2015

Strive for Progress not Perfection

This is one of my favorite core values to write on, and I believe one of the most important mindset tips when it comes to creating a Fit and Fabulous life, as well as, exercising and eating healthy consistently. I’ll start out by saying that I’m a recovering perfectionist, and by recovering, I mean with the ability to go back to perfectionism at any given moment, especially if I am under pressure, stressed, feeling like I might fail at something new, or feeling anxious about something in general. However, something finally clicked for me over the last couple of years regarding perfectionism.  There is NO PERFECT!  It’s all made up in our heads, and what I started to realize was that all this fear of getting something wrong, failing at a goal, making a mistake, &/or looking like I have no idea what the hell I’m doing, was just keeping me STUCK IN LIFE!  It was keeping me playing a small game […]