Confessions from a Recovering Perfectionist on taking Action


harleyhikeI was on my weekly nature walk the other day in Tecalote Canyon with my workout buddy, Harley!  I love taking at least one of these walks a week because it allows me to get outside, enjoy the fresh air, clear my mind, and decide what secrets and insights I want to blog or email about.


It’s also fun to watch Harley look for the nearest puddle of water and then just plunge or cannon ball right in! (you can’t keep a Lab out of water ;)) Of course on this walk, I was also listening to my Pandora Busta Rhymes Radio Station, as I love my Hip-Hop!


A song came on by Busta, called “Pass the Courvoisier, Part II”  It’s mainly a fun, upbeat song that’s about being at a club partying, but there was a line in the song that really stuck out to me!


The line was, “Don’t TALK about it, BE about it!”


This caused a little ding….ding…ding…to go off in my head.  You hear those sounds in your head, too, right? But anyways, I thought… Wow!  What a great line about life and that reinforces my belief in taking action as a recovering perfectionist.


[bctt tweet=”The only thing that will get us from ‘Talk’ to ‘Be’ is ACTION!”]


That’s right taking action is the only thing that get’s us out of our heads and out on the court playing the game of life.  Being in our heads and just talking about wanting something, keeps us up in the bleachers, just watching the game, playing it safe because we are afraid, or watching others play the game.


We are then left wondering why we aren’t out there on the court in the experience of learning and/or getting the results that we want!  We see other people getting the results that we want and wonder why it can’t happen for us.  This can lower our self-confidence in ourselves, making it even harder for us to take action.


There is this concept regarding our mindset on action that I was first introduced to in my mid twenties when I participated in the Landmark Forum, a personal development and education course;  “Be…Do…Have” vs “Have….to….Be.”  Now I already know you are wrinkling your eyebrows and saying to yourself, “Huh?”  So let me break both of these down for you and give you my interperatation of them as it relates to healthy eating and exercise, but you can apply this concept to ANY area of your life, such as relationships, career, financial freedom, etc.


Most of us are in a state of, “Have…to….Be.”

This is where we feel we have to have something in order to be, act, or feel a certain way.  We feel that if we have (thinking and talking about how we are going to get there) our ideal body, then we will be happy or be more likely to eat healthy and exercise easily.  This train of thought keeps us stuck, because how would we be able to have our ideal body, without first taking action to exercise and eat healthy to achieve our ideal body or fitness goals?

Another example of this concept is, we feel that if we have a lot of money than we will be able to travel to the places we have always wanted to go.  Are you kind of getting the concept?  We are waiting around for something to happen to us.  There is no self-empowerment in this mindset.  It keeps the carrot just dangled out in front of us and we are chasing it!  We just can’t seem to ever get “there”.


The ideal mindset to be in, even though it is not easy, is “Be….Do…..Have.”  

This is where we are already acting in a certain way and doing the things we need to do to have our ideal outcome. This mindset is based more in taking action, believing in ourselves, and self-empowering.  In this mindset, we already take the action of being or believing we are already a certain way (healthy, wealthy, successful, etc) or at our goal weight already.

For example, If I believe that I am already healthy and fit and at my goal weight, than I’ll exercise and eat right (do things I need to do) and I’ll have the ideal body that I want.  It’s basically the reverse of the above mindset.  We act or be in a way that has us doing the things that we need to do to have what we want.  It basically throws us into action first.  I guess you could also think of it as “Faking it until you make it!”


I know that the above is a little confusing at first, but after you think about it, it really comes down to BElieving in YOUrself and then taking action in alignment with what you believe!  That’s why our thoughts are important, but it’s “ACTION” that get’s us to the finish line.  And by ACTION, I mean one little step at a time is all it takes!


When we are in a place of thinking or talking too much to start on a goal or waiting around for something to happen to us.  We almost always will talk ourselves out of something or not go for it.


I know this first hand as some of you know that I’m a recovering perfectionist, who would stay in contemplation for too long trying to figure out what would happen if I did X or Y and what might be the consequences of X or Y, and then I would exhaust myself just thinking about it and not take any action at all.


It’s challenging for a perfectionist to try something new because we are afraid of failure, looking like we don’t have it all together, or know what we are doing.  This way of thinking keeps us paralyzed in fear.


But, now I’m a firm believer in taking action and how liberating it can be.  It just feels good!  I may not know what I’m doing when I take action and that’s okay.  I can adjust my course, or take on the idea that I will get a little bit better each time I do a new action repeatedly. Sometimes one action step will just point me in the direction that I need to go in order to take my next action step to get me closer to my ultimate goal.  Why are we in such a rush anyways?


Right now, blogging and writing emails for my #fitandfab tribe is something that is new for me, and I’m afraid of failing sometimes.  There are times when I feel scared to write something or to be vulnerable so that my readers can relate to me.  However, my business/health coach Jill Coleman, always says that it is about consistent action and producing content.  Her infamous words comfort me when I’m having a hard time hitting publish, “It may not be perfect, but it’s done.”  I really love that because it keeps me going, taking action, and knowing that every blog or email that I write, I am getting a little bit better each time.  It’s also getting a little bit easier each time to hit the publish or send key.


Did I mention that I still feel fear when taking action in a new direction or uncharted territory?  Those feelings of fear may always be there, but as they say, “Feel the fear, and do it anyways.”  Always trust the process and know that we’ll be able to handle whatever comes our way.




So this week, where can you “BE about it, instead of just “TALKING” about it to get closer to your goals?  Could you schedule a couple of workouts, eat veggies at one meal/day, drink more water, or save $10 from your paycheck to put towards that trip you want to take at the end of the year?  Just do it, already.  Use your mind and your thoughts to talk yourself into moving forward, not keep you stuck or over analyzing everything!


Until next time, Get out there and “BE” about it and make the MAGIC Happen!


Thanks for stopping by,
