Believe in You

Hang Time

It’s funny how we sometimes don’t believe in ourselves or we decide to believe little white lies we tell ourselves about our limits or what we can do.

As a fitness coach, I get to see people go beyond their limits and what they think is possible almost everyday, even if they don’t think it is possible.  This in return inspires me to push my own limits and go for things that I don’t think are possible for myself.

Do you remember those PE tests we had to take in grade school where you had to do the arm hang, sit ups, and then run?

Well back in the 2nd grade or so, I failed the arm hang test. I made a decision about myself that I would never be able to do a pull-up or the arm hang because I wasn’t strong in my upper body because I was a girl!

I believed this little white lie I told myself for over 20 years! Then something changed, I started to see that lots of women could do pull-ups and arm hangs, and then thought to myself, “Why not me, too?”

So last year, with the guidance and support of, Coach D Soto, I made it my goal to do ONE unassisted chin up! He started me with the basics of jumping pull-ups, negatives, using the resistance bands &TRX, & then practicing on my own. I practiced these steps for close to a year, until FINALLY, I just did one! I just looked at that bar and said, “Okay, I’m going to do this!”

On Saturday, I did a TRX arm hang for 40 sec.  Then the following Tuesday, I held on for 42 sec.  These are both a PR for me as I had never held on for longer than 30 sec before! I can’t describe the JOY you feel when you accomplish something that you didn’t ever think was possible!  Now…my new goal is 60 sec!

So I am proof that we can all do things we do not think are possible by first BELIEVING in OURSELVES and then taking 1 small action step at a time towards our goals!  It will take work + consistent action, but you CAN get there.

If you are currently struggling with believing you can’t do something, I invite you to change that thought and believe that you CAN do ANYTHING that you really put your MIND to and then TAKE ACTION and the necessary steps to get there!

If you don’t know how to start, hire a coach, friend, or mentor to help get you started.  Nobody gets anywhere without support and connection of others.

Thanks for stopping by,
