Daily Archives: April 7, 2015

Are You Watching Your Weight?

At my 35th birthday party this year, we were talking workouts and nutrition and one of the guys at the party asked me, “T-Moo, so how much do you weigh….around 160?”  I fired back quickly and defensively, “Hell No…like between 145- 148…I don’t weigh 160.  Do I look like I weigh 160 to you?” Now, you have to realize that I have no problem telling people my weight if they ask, because I’m not ashamed of the number, but what was weird and even shocking to me, was that it bothered me that someone thought I was heavier than I actually was.  Usually people guess me to be lighter than I am, so that is why I was so shocked by him overestimating my weight.  So it looks like I still have a little obsession with this number and what it means about the way I look, or the progress […]