Daily Archives: April 21, 2015

How Our Fitness Goals Are a Lot Like Money!

I had never thought of my exercise goals being like going to work and making money until a few days ago. Last week I wrote the blog, “Are you Struggling to Find the Motivation to Workout?” I posted it on FB, as well, as you can see here: [fbembed]https://www.facebook.com/tmoofit/posts/1612713688943766[/fbembed]   A lot of my friends really found value in the post.  My bestie since childhood, Korey, wrote in the comments, “That was insightful, I liked it…maybe excepting that I am never going to feel like working out, but I do it anyway. That’s almost comforting.” This comment really got me to thinking more about this subject and then I had an A-HA moment.  My health and fitness goals and exercising are a lot like going to work and receiving money for the work I do. Think of it metaphorically like this: Money = The outcome goals that we have for […]