Daily Archives: April 30, 2015

Want Results? Stop Focusing on Outcome Goals and Focus on this Instead!

Have you ever thought to yourself, “All I want is to lose 10 lbs, then everything will be Good to Go!

We are obsessed as human beings with results and outcome goals.  We are so focused on getting to the end that we forget how important the PROCESS to get there is.  The PROCESS is where all the “MAGIC” happens and where we are learning and growing the most!

However, we want X…we want it NOW….and if we don’t get it immediately, we’re like….OH…SCREW IT!  I’m NEVER GOING TO REACH MY GOAL…I QUIT…and then it’s on to the next thing!  Can you relate?

However, eating healthy, exercise, and the fat loss PROCESS just don’t work like this.  The people who are successful in their weight & fat loss journeys will tell you that it takes time, patience, experimentation, and CONSISTENTLY practicing healthy habits & behaviors over and over.

That’s why I feel it’s much more important to FOCUS on Behavior Goals and Changing Habits one at a time than being too attached to our outcome goals.


Check out my video where I explain the difference between Outcome Goals Vs. Behavior Goals.


Summary of  Video:

Behavior Goals:  Focus on changing the habits or behaviors that will get us closer to our outcome goals or results.  We can just check the box if we did or didn’t do it.  This is a PROCESS and takes time and patience.  We can feel satisfied by if we just practiced the behavior or not.

(Ex.) =   I worked out 3x/week.  I ate veggies at every meal today.  I drank 2 liters of water every day/week.

Outcome Goals:  Focuses on the end result only.  It is specific and usually requires a lot of changes to get there.  It can also be performance based.  We usually feel frustrated or let down if the exact outcome doesn’t happen.

(Ex.) = I want to lose 10 pounds by June 15th.  I want to fit into a size 8 pair of jeans.  I will lose 3 pounds this week.


Check out my FB post about the Importance of TRUSTING the PROCESS on the way to our Outcome Goals.




Also, while you are in the process of your fitness journey, don’t forget to look back to where you started and to realize how far you’ve come!

Are you exercising consistently 3x/week or eating more veggies everyday than you were 2-3 weeks ago?  These are WINS and are so important to realize so that you feel empowered to keep going!

I invite you to start focusing on habits and behaviors that you can change one at a time.  This is all part of the process that gets you to your outcome goals.  What is one behavior or habit that you could work on this week that will make you feel like you are making progress?

Thanks for stopping by,



P.S.  Are you struggling with your health and fitness goals?  Sign up to receive my weekly Fitness, Nutrition, and Mindset Tips that I send out via Email to my #fitandfab tribe.  Get on the list HERE!