Daily Archives: June 4, 2015

Forget “Analysis Paralysis.” Become a Decision-Making Ninja Instead!

I first heard the term “Analysis Paralysis” from one of my best friends, Piper, when she commented on one of my Facebook posts where I was sharing and elaborating on a blog post about “How To Get Results” written by my Fitness/Business Coach, Jill Coleman, of JillFit Physiques.   I thought it was hilarious because it’s so true, and I asked her if I could use her term in an upcoming blog, giving her full credit of course.  She said, “Sure!  But, I’m pretty sure I didn’t make that up.  I’ve heard it before, but go for it!”  Of course, Piper’s vocabulary is much bigger than mine, so this was a new term for me to hear, and I was impressed 😉   What is “Analysis Paralysis”?   Curious to see if Piper had coined this term or there where others using it, I did a basic google search for […]