Daily Archives: September 14, 2015

How to Stay Healthy on Vacation & Avoid Peer Pressure

If you’ve ever been on vacation with a group of people, you may know what I mean by vacation peer pressure, especially if you’ve been working to achieve certain health and fitness goals during this time and don’t want to get off track. And if you don’t know what I mean, it usually sounds something like this, “Oh…go ahead and eat that.  It’s no big deal, you’re on vacation.” “Come on….You don’t need to workout today because you workout everyday at home.  It’s okay to take a few days off.” “One little bite isn’t going to hurt you…..” It’s true, probably one little bite won’t hurt us, but for some of us, one little bite turns into a lot of bites, and then a full on binge, so why even get started…..if you DON’T WANT to. Now I truly believe that the person saying these things isn’t meaning to really grow […]