How to Make a Healthy Smoothie or Shake


Recently, I received a question from one of our #FitandFab Tribe Members about shakes and smoothies.  I thought there might be other’s who are wondering the same thing, too, and I wanted to share my thoughts with you on this subject.



Regarding Smoothies/Shakes:  How do we know what info to believe?  Do we put milk or yogurt in there, protein powder, fruit or veggies, etc? What’s a good recipe to follow?


I think the most important factor to weigh in on when making a smoothie or shake is the SUGAR content!  Watch the video below to see how I make my own shakes and give you a little education about the content.  For those of you who don’t like to watch video, see my summary below!


*Even if you don’t watch the video, you may want to skip to minute 2:49 to see a rare UNICORN SPOTTING in T-Moo’s Kitchen!*



My Go-To Super Shake Recipe from the Video:


  • 10 Oz Water
  • 1-2 Scoops of Vega Sports Performance Protein Powder
  • 1 TBSP Chia Seeds
  • 2 Heaping Gobs of Spinach
  • 1/4-1/2 Cup Blueberries
  • 1 tsp Maca Powder
  • 1 tsp Bee Pollen
  • Sprinkle a little bit of  Cinnamon Powder on the Top & Blend

*1 TBSP Peanut or Almond Butter – I will put in my shake, or I will leave it out and enjoy it on some celery!


Super Quick Summary of the Video: 

If you use protein powder in your shake/smoothie, you don’t really need milk or yogurt, too!  Try to use only 1 fruit serving per shake. Veggies are Unlimited! Only 1 TBSP Nut Butters.  Milk or Water for blending medium.  I use Water.  Watch SUGAR Content!

A Longer Explanation & Summary:


Regarding Milk as a Blending Medium:

Only use if you’re not lactose intolerant.  Remember, most cow’s milk these days are loaded with hormones & chemicals.  I’d recommend using RAW, Unpasteurized Milk or Organic Milk.

*Other Milk Options:  Unsweetened, Organic Almond Milk or Coconut Milk – Sugar Content should be 5g or less.  Look for Carageean Free, too! I don’t recommend SOY MILK, EVER!


Regarding Yogurt:  

Use this in place of Protein Powder if you want & again are not lactose intolerant.  Use PLAIN GREEK YOGURT (highest protein content).  Do not get any yogurts that are sweetened.  It’s WAY TOO MUCH SUGAR!



Pick only 1 fruit to incorporate into your smoothie or shake.  You can choose as many veggies as you want, but only 1 fruit.  Also, watch portion sizes of fruit.  1/4 – 1/2 cup of berries is a serving.  Try using only 1/2 banana or mango instead of a full one.

You’d be surprised how using too many fruits can really increase the sugar content of your shake, causing a spike in blood sugar & insulin, and making it harder for your body to burn fat! #aintnobodygottimeforthat



Fill that blender up with as much as you want!  Don’t hold back!  Spinach, Kale, Celery, Beets, Carrots, Canned Pumpkin Puree, and other greens work great.  I prefer to use Spinach—–> watch video for a tip on Spinach for blending.


Fat Content:  

Even healthy fats can hinder weight/fat loss if we incorporate TOO MUCH.  Watch serving sizes of peanut/almond/nut butters & avocados.  I’d use no more than a 1/4 or 1/2 of an avocado, depending on the size of it & 1 TBSP of Nut Butters TOPS.

*Measure it out, you’d be surprised how easy it is to over do it on the nut butters… me….this advice is coming from someone who use to go through a whole jar of almond or peanut butter in 5-7 days.  Yeah….a jar of peanut butter should last 1 person about 2 weeks or longer.


Super Hero Add-Ons to throw in:

  • Chia Seeds
  • Maca Powder
  • Cacao Powder
  • Bee Pollen
  • Flax Seeds

*There are many more.  Follow serving sizes recommended on the packages.  I haven’t started to fly yet by adding these substances….but oh well, I’m patient! <——#not


What’s your favorite smoothie/shake recipe?  I’d love for you to share it with me in the comments below.


Thanks for stopping by,


P.S.  Don’t miss out on my weekly coaching emails.  I coach on all subjects related to fitness, mindset, and nutrition.  I also answer questions like the one found in this blog.  Join the #FitandFab Tribe & receive your FREE bonus gift HERE!

How to Eat More Veggies at Breakfast


You hear fitness professionals say all the time when it comes to weight/fat loss, “Eat more veggies!”  I’ve found that most people can figure out how to eat more veggies at lunch or dinner, but that breakfast is the most challenging time of the day, so I decided to make a video of a typical breakfast that I make 4-5x/week.


Welcome to T-Moo’s Kitchen: Where cooking is made Healthy, EASY, & Doable!


In this video, I show you how to get 2 or more servings of vegetables + a protein source in at breakfast.  If you’d like to see a healthy shake option go here.



I consider getting protein and veggies in at every meal one of the most important habits of lean eating.  It produces the most satisfaction and satiety with the least amount of caloric damage.  I fill half my plate with veggies and protein, first.  Then, I add healthy fat and carbohydrates.


If you’re interested in learning more about this important habit, and how to eat more protein and veggies at every meal.  Sign up to learn more & get my FREE Lean Eating Guide!


Get it HERE




In this Guide, You will FIND:

– What to Remove From Your Cabinets for Fat-Loss Success
– What Foods to Choose So That You Feel Satiated & Satisfied
– Quick, Simple, and Easy Tips to Follow at Each Meal
– Grocery Shopping Lists and Ideas
– 3 Quick and Easy Workouts + MORE


How do you eat more veggies at breakfast?  I’d love to hear your idea.  Leave it in the comments below!


Thanks for stopping by,

How to Make a Full Body Workout Routine

  You’ve just signed up for your brand new gym membership & you’re excited to get started on your fitness goals, and then you walk in on your first day and see a gym floor full of equipment, and you have no idea where to start.  It can feel very overwhelming!     You may’ve even watched a few You-Tube videos and kinda know what your doing, but once on the spot, it seems kind of confusing.  All you know is that you want to work on your Abs, and lose some weight.  So what do you do?  Head to the cardio room and do the treadmill for 30 minutes and then do some crunches or use the Ab machine?   Even though you just want to work on your Abs, doing only crunches will not get you a six pack…sorry to be the bearer of bad news.  The more […]

Is This Important Part of Your Workout Missing?


You’ve rushed around to make it to the gym after waking up late, and now you only have 30 minutes to get everything done on your workout routine, so you say to yourself, “I’m going to skip the warm-up and stretch portion, and just get to the good stuff.  I’ll do it tomorrow.”  But tomorrow comes, and the same scenario happens, and before you know it, you’re either really stiff or injured.


I can’t stress enough the importance of the Dynamic Warm Up before you jump into your cardio or strength training routine.  I myself skipped this portion of my workout for awhile because I was pressed for time.  Believe me, I regretted doing that when I was injured and not able to workout very hard for many months.  I learned my lesson the hard way, but now you don’t have to!


What is a Dynamic Warm Up?


The word “Dynamic” just means that you are stretching as you move.  It usually involves engaging more than 1 muscle group at a time and different parts of the body have to work together synergistically to complete the movement.  It has recently been found that this is more beneficial for people to do this while warming up instead of static stretching, which is just holding a stretch for 10-30 seconds.


How Does It Help Me?


  • Warms up the nervous system and activates a lot of the muscles that you will use together later in your workout, which can improve your strength, power, and performance.
  • Increases the range of motion of the major joints & muscles, which prevents injury and stiffness.  You will be able to move around in your workout with a little more ease.
  • Improves your body awareness and where it’s at in space, which helps with the balance and coordination of your movements
  • It JUST FEELS GOOD.  Don’t feel like working out one day?  Go through your dynamic warm up to get some extra movement & stretching in.


How Do I Do It?


I filmed a very simple 5 minute Dynamic Warm Up that you can give a try at your next workout.  At my gym, we also incorporate some foam rolling exercises and stretches, as well, but this video keeps it very simple and basic.



Dynamic Warm Up Exercises

1. Knee Tucks x 10 Ea Side
2. Arm Circles 5x Forwards – 5x Backwards on Ea Arm
3. Reverse Arm Circles Both Arms x 10
4. Alternating Leg Kicks x 10 Ea Side
5. Alternating Reverse Lunges or Step Backs x 10 Ea Side
6. T-Spine Rotation (Kneeling or Runner’s Stretch) x 10 Ea Side
7. Sumo Squats x 10
8. Lateral Lunges x 10 Ea Side
9. High Knees – 30 Seconds
10. Butt Kickers – 30 Seconds
11. Swivel Hips Side to Side – 30 Seconds
12. 20 Jumping Jacks


So what do you think?  Could you give yourself 5-10 extra minutes at your next workout to run through these?  This is one part of my workout that I won’t skip anymore after I got injured from neglecting this in my routine.


Let me know how it goes & how you feel.  What’s your favorite stretch or exercise is to do in your Warm Up?


Thanks for Stopping By,



P.S.  Are you getting my weekly coaching Emails on all things Fitness, Nutrition, & Mindset?  If not, join the party HERE & receive your FREE Gift!


Don’t Let The Vacation Mindset Get in the Way of Your Goals


I recently had the opportunity to sit down and get interviewed by Caitlin, owner of Fitgevity.  She specializes in helping people stay fit at home or while traveling, whether it be for business or pleasure.  She was curious to see what I do to stay fit & on track while traveling.


The vacation mindset can get in the way of our goals because we overindulge and stop our exercise routine when we’re traveling.  This probably won’t do too much damage if you don’t take a long trip or travel frequently.


However, if you find yourself traveling a lot for work or taking longer vacations, the best thing you can do for yourself is to eat and exercise the same way on vacation as you do at home.  But, this won’t be possible if you find yourself in the the binge/restrict cycle frequently.  This ease around staying fit while traveling comes from ACCEPTING that eating healthy & feeling good is a lifestyle that’s FOREVER not a temporary fix!


Watch the Full Interview That We Did Here:


One of the key points I always touch on is the importance of establishing Key, Nutritional Habits – like the ones we practice in my program, The Willpower Diet, at home that automate your eating so that it’s not so hard to use these same principles when you’re traveling.


My 3 GO TO Strategies for Living a Healthy Lifestyle on the Road


Eat to 80% Full.  This takes practice to learn what 80% feels like to you.  What it usually means to me is splitting entrees, sharing desserts, and leaving a few bites on my plate while traveling and eating in restaurants.

The majority of my plate is composed of lean protein and veggies.  These two type of foods help me to feel satiated and satisfied, with the least amount of calories. When I go into a restaurant, I know I’m looking for dishes that are going to get me both of these things.  I will enjoy other foods, but protein & veggies compose the majority.

I do some form of movement every day.  It could be walking, a 10 minute interval circuit, hitting up a local gym in the area on a day pass, or just run the stairs at the hotel.  ANY MOVEMENT is better than NO MOVEMENT.


A Great Workout to do While Traveling


No Excuses!  Here’s a Workout that you can do ANYWHERE!  All you need is a deck of cards, your body, & 20-30 minutes!  Watch the video below for a demo of how to set it up & the exercises.


Quick Instructions:  Shuffle the deck before you begin.  Draw a card and do as many reps of the assigned exercise as the face value of the cards.  Repeat drawing cards for a max of 30 minutes.  Hopefully, you’ll see that you get more cards done in the allotted time after doing it more than once.  Do you think you can make it through the whole deck in 30 minutes?


The Exercises:

  • Hearts = Pushups
  • Diamonds = Hip bridges or Single Leg Hip Bridges
  • Spades = Side to Side Planks (can be done from hands or forearms or drop to knees)
  • Clubs = Jump Squats or Speed Squats

Rep Guide:

  • 1-10 = 1-10 reps
  • Jack = 11 reps
  • Queen = 12 reps
  • King = 13 reps
  • Ace = 14 reps
  • Joker = Do 10 Burpees or any other torturous exercise of your choosing ??


Do you think you can make it through the whole deck in 30 minutes?  Let me know how it goes!  Safe and Happy Travels!


Thanks for stopping by,



P.S.  Need more workout ideas for when you travel?  Grab a copy of my FREE Slider Workout Video Series.  All you need is a cheap pair of furniture movers.  Those pack just as nicely as a deck of cards.


Resources:  For the full interview and blog write up of this travel interview, go to:

Card Workout Idea:  Alloy Personal Training Systems, who we franchise with for exercise programming at my fitness center.