4 Reasons You’re Not Getting Results

You may have clicked on this blog because you are looking for a magic formula for the perfect diet, cardio, and/or strength training program.  Well Guess what…there is more than one way to get in shape and eat healthy, and what works for you may not work for someone else, so before we get overwhelmed with all the food and exercise information that’s available out there, let’s get the 1st step to success in health and fitness covered; CONSISTENCY!

“It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives.  It’s what we do consistently.” – Tony Robbins

[bctt tweet=”Consistency is a POWERFUL word and is the key to getting results in your health & fitness program.”]


Can you relate with any of the following scenarios?  I know I sure can.


Scenario 1:  Every Monday you start with one of those extreme diets that you read about on FB or in a magazine and by Wednesday you are so hungry that your willpower fades and the binge begins, and it all goes downhill from there.  You think to yourself, “Oh, Well, I blew my diet for this week, and now it’s the weekend and I want to have fun, so I’ll start next Monday!”

Does your exercise routine follow a similar pattern?  On Monday & Tuesday, you do 1-2 hours in the gym of extreme cardio, weights, or classes and by Wednesday you’re so sore that all you can do is make it to Happy Hour and give yourself a break.  You say to yourself, “I’ll get back to the gym on Thursday.”  But then errands, work, other life hassles show up, and then you are going out of town for the weekend, so again…you’ll start on Monday.  These cycles just keep repeating themselves over and over.


Scenario 2:  There may be some of you out there that are saying, “I’m too young, old, or don’t have time to worry about my health or workout, isn’t there a pill from the doctor that can take care of that?”  In that case, you’ve probably gotten good at consistently taking no action and are just living it up.

Listen to me now and hear me later…sooner or later something will happen (illness, accident,) that forces you to start looking at ways to improve your health through good nutrition and exercise because modern medicine and pills come with nasty side effects and just don’t make the cut!  That’s when the PANIC will set in! “I’m so behind I have to start doing something and everything all at once!”  However, too many changes at once drains our willpower and it’s hard to make these new changes stick when we do too much at once.


Scenario 3:  Sadly, there are those of you who really want to start doing something to improve your health, but you don’t know where to start, or what to do, feel intimidated to ask for help or go to the gym, or have failed in the past and are afraid to start again.  If this has been your mind set, it is time to push aside your excuses and take action to start trying some different things that will improve your health!  I truly believe something is better than nothing.  It could be as simple as heading outside for a 20 minute walk.


Scenario 4:  Then there are some of you I like to call the Die Hards!  Your willpower is strong and you are able to restrict calories with crazy diets, detoxes, and challenges for 3-4 weeks and go to the gym 5-6 days/week for intense workouts because there is a “special event” like a wedding, vacation, or class reunion that you have to look HOT for!

You even make your goal or get really close by these extreme measures.  However, as soon as the event arrives or happens that you were prepping for, you relax a little and say to yourself, “Yeah, I hit my goal, now it’s time to relax a little and give myself a much earned break!”

The old habits of making poor food choices and not going to the gym creep back in.  Before you know it, it’s a month later and you’ve gained 8-10 pounds and haven’t been to the gym once!  OOPS!  You ask yourself, “How did this happen?”


What Do These 4 Scenarios Have in Common?


Yep!…You guessed it!  Lack of CONSISTENCY or CONSISTENTLY taking NO Action!  

[bctt tweet=”Consistency is what is missing in most of our lives and keeping us from reaching our goals. “]


What Can I Do About It?


There are no breaks from exercise and healthy eating habits. There is no destination or finish line, only a journey that is ever changing along with your body as it goes through its different stages of life!

It’s time to stop with all the extremes of starting and stopping and just give your best effort to be consistent with healthy habits, even if your effort level is only 50%.  Placing just a 50 – 60% effort everyday towards eating better and exercising is going to produce more results than giving 100% for 2 – 4 weeks and then giving up because you’re exhausted & your willpower is drained.

Focusing on too many changes at once is a recipe for disaster.  BUT, by focusing on Key Habits consistently ONE at a time, you’ll see that you are more relaxed and your Willpower is stronger for when you REALLY need it to fight cravings or to talk yourself into making it to your next workout after a long day at work!


The WILLPOWER Diet, which will Increase your Self-Control and Reduce your Stress by automating Key Nutritional Habits, Starts Oct. 1st.
Get on the Wait List HERE, to receive more info and exclusive deals not offered to the public!

Lastly, take the time to find a little balance in your healthy eating habits and fitness routine.  We don’t have to do EVERYTHING all at once.  Don’t be afraid to try new things and see how your body feels or reacts.  It’s okay to make mistakes, too!  I know I do.  Wipe the slate clean and start again right away with your next meal or workout.

What we know as experts in this field is that if we all CONSITENTLY take ACTION to eat REAL, WHOLE foods, exercise, and practice patience, your body will reward you by looking, moving, and feeling better!

And BTW...Monday is not the perfect day to start things!  The time to get back on track is RIGHT MEOW ?!

Thanks for stopping by,

P.S.  If you are fed up with starting and stopping, fad diets and deprivation, &/or letting the number on the scale dictate your self-worth, then join me for my 8 week Online Group Coaching Program called the Willpower Diet.  Get all the details and and exclusive deals not available to the public —–> HERE!

2 thoughts on “4 Reasons You’re Not Getting Results

  • Lewis Banks

    Hi Tommie, This is Lewis. I really enjoyed your blog and I’m glad you’re back at Being Fit. I will try to be more consistent with my exercise and healthy eating habits. I have re-committed myself to “Being Fit”! This goes not only for physical fitness, but mental, financial, spiritual and emotional. My overall goal is to lose 70 lbs. and weigh in at 220 lbs. I thank you for providing a means to workout and achieve better health and fitness at your club. The information on the benefits of drinking lemon water was astounding. I already drink lemon water, but now that I know how beneficial it is, I will do so more often. Thank you. Okay, that’s it for now. I’ll see you at the gym. God Bless! Lewis

    • Tommie Mooney Post author

      Hi Lewis,

      Thank you for the kind words and for taking the time to read my blog! Great job getting back on track with your fitness goals! Small changes with consistent action will get you to your goal! Stay Strong and remember…Progress not Perfection!

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