Where do I go from here?

I was reading the other day and came across the quote, “Sometimes the wrong choice brings us to the right places.”  It reminded me of that old fork in the road saying, and how sometimes that fork in the road can have 3 -4 different ways you can go, too!  Aaaaaaahh….What do I do and where do I go from here?

This really got me to thinking about some of the choices I have to make this year.  Last year brought a lot of  life challenges for me in the areas of health, career, and personal relationships!  I have to decide what direction my career is going and how much time I want to devote to my new online business, whether to stay in my current relationship and “work it out”, or start with someone new, and how to find more balance in my health and well-being; since striving for perfect health has left me exhausted and stressed.   Needless to say, I have a lot of “choices” to make in 2015, and considering that those 3 areas make up a huge part of my life, it scares the HELL out of me!

What if I Don’t Make the “Right” Choice?

When faced with a choice, the perfectionist in me wants to predict how the outcome or end result is going to look so that I can choose the “right one”.  Obviously this is a delusional process that has only worked to keep me stuck without any courage to make any choice because I’m so worried I’m going to make the “wrong” choice.  Can you relate?

However, as I’ve thought about this more and more, I’m starting to realize that I gain self-empowerment and confidence from just making a choice.  The outcome or result of the choice that I make does not personally define me.  It only gives me feedback!  Most likely, any choice I decide to move forward with will benefit me in some way, and if it doesn’t, than I have the power to make another choice and head in another direction!  I think we can apply this to any area of our life whether it be with diet, exercise, career, and/or personal relationships.

Now, I also believe that actually making a choice when it comes to  a major area in our lives is also easier said than done!  It can be scary when there is a major decision to be made and it could affect more people than just you.  It’d be so much easier if all choices were as easy as deciding whether to go to a Zumba class or to a Unicorn Dance Party!  And obviously, I’d choose the Unicorn Dance Party.

Start Small by Using Your Choice Muscle Daily

However, sometimes the small decisions that we have to make on a daily basis help us to start using our Choice Muscle.  For example,  do I go to the gym today or go home after work?  Do I eat the boring healthy lunch I packed or go out for pizza with my co-workers?  I think the power lies in just making a choice and then checking in to see how the choice we made makes us feel.  If you don’t like the outcome of the choice you made, you can always choose something different the next time.   That’s the power of it!

We have to TRUST and BELIEVE in OURSELVES and in the PROCESS and stop being so focused on outcomes & results. Choosing our paths puts us into ACTION!  Taking small consistent action steps is what will move our lives forward in any area that we want to improve or change.  It also builds our self-confidence!  Now I’m not going to lie, I’ve taken action that has kept me taking side steps, moving backwards, or in circles.  But hey, that’s all part of the process, and I was learning every step of the way!  We can’t always predict what our outcomes or results will be from making a decision, but what we can do is TRUST OURSELVES to handle whatever is thrown our way and be able to deal with it!

Making A Wrong Choice Could Be Better Than Making No Choice and Staying Stuck

I believe making a “wrong” choice is better than making no choice at all and then having to deal with whatever life throws at us; because then we’re just reacting to life instead of CREATING the LIFE  we want!  The questions I’d like to ask myself and to anyone else that is reading this is; how is procrastinating making a decision really helping us?   Is there any action I could take today to move my life one little step forward?  And who knows, maybe that choice we are avoiding to make, could lead us to the right place or a pleasant surprise!

Well, I don’t know about you, but I have a lot of action to take this year!  It is a little scary, but I’m going to keep taking consistent action and trying new things until I find what works best for me or gives me the results I’m looking for.

How about you?  What strategies do you use to have the courage to make a choice, even though you can’t always predict the outcome or result?

Tweetables for you:

[bctt tweet=”We can’t always predict our outcomes or results, but we can TRUST OURSELVES to handle whatever is THROWN our way!”]

[bctt tweet=”Sometimes the wrong choice brings us to the right places.”]

Thanks for stopping by,

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