I USED TO…3 Words To Eliminate From Your Vocabulary
The next time you catch yourself saying or thinking the words, “I USED TO…” I want you to STOP ?! Because what follows after those three seemingly harmless words usually isn’t very motivating or up lifting. In fact, what follows usually keeps us feeling small and like we aren’t enough. At least, that’s what usually happens to me. I USED TO: weigh ______ pounds (fill in whatever your lowest weight ever was) be a size _______ (fill in whatever pair of pants or dress you can’t wear now) be able to run _______ miles be able to run a ________ minute mile be able to lift ______ pounds eat healthier sleep better have less wrinkles or look younger have a better relationship with my partner feel more happy be less stressed workout more consistently have a better job make or have more money have more fun and the list goes […]