
Believe in You

It’s funny how we sometimes don’t believe in ourselves or we decide to believe little white lies we tell ourselves about our limits or what we can do. As a fitness coach, I get to see people go beyond their limits and what they think is possible almost everyday, even if they don’t think it is possible.  This in return inspires me to push my own limits and go for things that I don’t think are possible for myself. Do you remember those PE tests we had to take in grade school where you had to do the arm hang, sit ups, and then run? Well back in the 2nd grade or so, I failed the arm hang test. I made a decision about myself that I would never be able to do a pull-up or the arm hang because I wasn’t strong in my upper body because I was […]

Where do I go from here?

I was reading the other day and came across the quote, “Sometimes the wrong choice brings us to the right places.”  It reminded me of that old fork in the road saying, and how sometimes that fork in the road can have 3 -4 different ways you can go, too!  Aaaaaaahh….What do I do and where do I go from here? This really got me to thinking about some of the choices I have to make this year.  Last year brought a lot of  life challenges for me in the areas of health, career, and personal relationships!  I have to decide what direction my career is going and how much time I want to devote to my new online business, whether to stay in my current relationship and “work it out”, or start with someone new, and how to find more balance in my health and well-being; since striving for perfect […]