
Are you Struggling to Find the Motivation to Workout?

I’ve been getting asked a lot lately by friends and members at the gym about finding the motivation to workout.  The conversation usually goes something like, “Where do you find the motivation to workout?”  “I really want to be working out consistently, but just can’t seem to find the motivation, stay motivated, or feel motivated!” I’m always kind of baffled when I get this question because I really don’t know how I’m motivated, or if I even actually “feel” motivated.  I think most people might be waiting for a “feeling”, but let’s actually look at the definition of the word from the dictionary. Motivation = the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. Whew…notice that we don’t see the word “feeling” in that definition. So we can stop waiting on a “feeling” or worrying about if we’ve lost the “feeling”.  But, we do see […]

Don’t Even Bother with a Fitness Routine Until You Have This…

I hear all the time from my friends or people who come into to join the gym or inquire about personal training services, “All I need is a routine and to know what to do when I come to the gym, and I’ll be fine.”  It’s a completely valid statement, and I would agree that knowing what to do is a big step to getting results.  However, I’ve written many a routine for people to follow and guess what, 75% of the time they do not come in and do it again after we meet. This has really got me to thinking, it must not be knowing what to do or a routine that makes us successful with our fitness goals, there is much more at play here when it comes to getting to the gym and ACTUALLY doing the routine. I believe there is a big difference between knowing […]

Why I LOVE being a Fitness Coach!

I’m feeling so inspired right now by my Team at Being-Fit, this includes the staff (Todd, Rebecca, and Emberlin), the other fitness coaches (Kash and Catherine), and our AWESOME MEMBERS!  A couple of weeks ago we did a Plank-Off Challenge in our Team Training Classes, which are a part of our personal training program.  The goal was to see who could hold the basic plank the longest amount of time!  Did I mention that they had to hold this plank, AFTER they finished a high intensity metabolic workout!  Whew…  I never imagined what would happen when we did this and it really solidified my love for coaching. WOW!  Did our Team really get involved and support each other.  The challenge went on for the whole week, so people could try to improve their time or beat whomever was in the lead!  There was lots of friendly trash talking going on […]

Believe in You

It’s funny how we sometimes don’t believe in ourselves or we decide to believe little white lies we tell ourselves about our limits or what we can do. As a fitness coach, I get to see people go beyond their limits and what they think is possible almost everyday, even if they don’t think it is possible.  This in return inspires me to push my own limits and go for things that I don’t think are possible for myself. Do you remember those PE tests we had to take in grade school where you had to do the arm hang, sit ups, and then run? Well back in the 2nd grade or so, I failed the arm hang test. I made a decision about myself that I would never be able to do a pull-up or the arm hang because I wasn’t strong in my upper body because I was […]

“How’s that Workin for Ya?”

Did you think that Dr. Phil had stopped by for a guest appearance on my blog?  Nah, I’m not that famous….YET 😉  But, his infamous question, “How’s that Workin for Ya?”, is a relevant question to ask ourselves as it pertains to our current diet and exercise plans to see if they are really working for us or against us!  So, let’s dive in a little further! Can you imagine yourself eating and exercising the way you are right now, a year or two from now?  If you answered, “NO WAY JOSE,” to that question, than I would bet that you are eating foods that you don’t enjoy and/or depriving yourself from the foods that you do. If you aren’t enjoying exercise or being consistent with it, you might be participating in exercise that is boring to you, spending TOO much time working out per day, or the exercise is […]