Instead of a Cheat Day…Try This!
Do you have a Cheat Day? I recently got asked if I have cheat day in regards to the way I eat? I replied, “Nope!” I don’t believe in cheat days and here’s why…” Before I go into my explanation, I want to tell you that I used to have cheat days back in the day, and found it didn’t work for me for a lot of different reasons. Cheat days easily turn into —> cheat weekends —> which easily turn into cheat weeks —> then into cheat months! And before you know it, you’ve fallen off the wagon, the wheels have come off the wagon, and the wagon has exploded. Then you’re scrambling and desperate to pick up the pieces and start your diet over by restricting again to make up for all this binging and fun you’ve been having with food. And the cycle just keeps […]