
How Do I Get More Willpower?

  Willpower is finite and can be depleted.  This is a #truth for EVERYONE.  We only have so much of it everyday to use for our various tasks. This includes but is not limited to; not caving into cravings for sugar, fatty foods, or processed carbohydrates, making sure you get your exercise in after a long day at work when you’re tired, pushing through long hours to make a deadline, &/or not slapping that annoying co-worker that you can’t stand.   All of this already sounds exhausting doesn’t it? I’m exhausted after just writing about it ;).  No wonder we’re looking for ways to indulge our impulses and cravings later in the day and evening.  We just want some relief for our stress and to feel better.   But wait….Here’s the GOOD NEWS!  We can make our willpower stronger over time because it’s a lot like a muscle.  But, it […]

Strive for Progress not Perfection

This is one of my favorite core values to write on, and I believe one of the most important mindset tips when it comes to creating a Fit and Fabulous life, as well as, exercising and eating healthy consistently. I’ll start out by saying that I’m a recovering perfectionist, and by recovering, I mean with the ability to go back to perfectionism at any given moment, especially if I am under pressure, stressed, feeling like I might fail at something new, or feeling anxious about something in general. However, something finally clicked for me over the last couple of years regarding perfectionism.  There is NO PERFECT!  It’s all made up in our heads, and what I started to realize was that all this fear of getting something wrong, failing at a goal, making a mistake, &/or looking like I have no idea what the hell I’m doing, was just keeping me STUCK IN LIFE!  It was keeping me playing a small game […]

Confessions from a Recovering Perfectionist on taking Action

  I was on my weekly nature walk the other day in Tecalote Canyon with my workout buddy, Harley!  I love taking at least one of these walks a week because it allows me to get outside, enjoy the fresh air, clear my mind, and decide what secrets and insights I want to blog or email about.   It’s also fun to watch Harley look for the nearest puddle of water and then just plunge or cannon ball right in! (you can’t keep a Lab out of water ;)) Of course on this walk, I was also listening to my Pandora Busta Rhymes Radio Station, as I love my Hip-Hop!   A song came on by Busta, called “Pass the Courvoisier, Part II”  It’s mainly a fun, upbeat song that’s about being at a club partying, but there was a line in the song that really stuck out to me! […]

“How’s that Workin for Ya?”

Did you think that Dr. Phil had stopped by for a guest appearance on my blog?  Nah, I’m not that famous….YET 😉  But, his infamous question, “How’s that Workin for Ya?”, is a relevant question to ask ourselves as it pertains to our current diet and exercise plans to see if they are really working for us or against us!  So, let’s dive in a little further! Can you imagine yourself eating and exercising the way you are right now, a year or two from now?  If you answered, “NO WAY JOSE,” to that question, than I would bet that you are eating foods that you don’t enjoy and/or depriving yourself from the foods that you do. If you aren’t enjoying exercise or being consistent with it, you might be participating in exercise that is boring to you, spending TOO much time working out per day, or the exercise is […]

Where do I go from here?

I was reading the other day and came across the quote, “Sometimes the wrong choice brings us to the right places.”  It reminded me of that old fork in the road saying, and how sometimes that fork in the road can have 3 -4 different ways you can go, too!  Aaaaaaahh….What do I do and where do I go from here? This really got me to thinking about some of the choices I have to make this year.  Last year brought a lot of  life challenges for me in the areas of health, career, and personal relationships!  I have to decide what direction my career is going and how much time I want to devote to my new online business, whether to stay in my current relationship and “work it out”, or start with someone new, and how to find more balance in my health and well-being; since striving for perfect […]